To start with, I dedicate my first blog to the #odd-even
vehicular restriction used in Delhi because this was the first big thing to be happened
in Delhi in New Year 2016. The pilot phase of the scheme was implemented for 15
days from January 1 - 15 with several exemptions like women and two-wheelers were
out of its purview.
Oh Delhi! Thanks for being so Supportive and
Responsive towards the odd even plan formulated by State Government of Delhi to
get pollution under control. Heads off to all the Delhites!
After 15 days of trial run of odd-even plan, I think
it was not the wisest approach followed by the Delhi Government. You may think
I am biased but consider looking from the society’s perspective. In the long
run, the people will buy multiple vehicle, and RTO will definitely get into corruption
for allotting odd or even numbers to car owners. This will ultimately lead to
increased congestion on roads and directly benefit car companies.
Ya Somewhere; Delhi Government injected the thought of
“Pollution-Free Delhi” in the minds of Delhites. And the best part was the
people of Delhi swim with the tide to make the city air cleaner. Even I was one
among them who followed #odd-even plan. Moreover, I have been car pooling
before this formula came into system. A big thank you to Orahi for making car
pooling possible from Delhi to Gurgaon & from Gurgaon to Delhi possible.
While this odd-even plan was in the implementation
phase, open discussions used to take place in my office. On one of the days my
colleague said “my husband is sick, he is facing dry cough and the credit goes
to the pollution in Delhi air.” And another day while returning home from
office, one of the car poolers, who is also a blind fan of Aam Aadmi Party
(AAP) opened the car window and faked out “clearing his throat”. Next came his
lines, “oh, this pollution has choked me.” I don’t understand why people
pretend they are being affected by the most hyped ting in the city. Is it
really necessary? This guy has been car pooling with me for last 2 months and
he never faced this pollution problem. If you are supporting a cause, then
don’t show off, instead work towards its betterment.
And, seriously don’t think I am against many people’s
dream of pollution free and car-free Delhi where kids can play outdoor sports
on roads, old people can relax on the pavement, students study under the trees,
college goers cycling to universities, etc. Rather I think government should follow
good traffic light management by educating people on lane driving, penalizing them
for breaking traffic rules, streamlining parking, widening roads, improving
public transport, making footpaths walkable, offering last mile connectivity, and
demolishing illegal construction.
Time to work towards making
Delhi - Cleaner and Greener. Hope we achieve this in our lifetime!
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