
Showing posts from January, 2016


To start with, I dedicate my first blog to the #odd-even vehicular restriction used in Delhi because this was the first big thing to be happened in Delhi in New Year 2016. The pilot phase of the scheme was implemented for 15 days from January 1 - 15 with several exemptions like women and two-wheelers were out of its purview. Oh Delhi! Thanks for being so Supportive and Responsive towards the odd even plan formulated by State Government of Delhi to get pollution under control. Heads off to all the Delhites! After 15 days of trial run of odd-even plan, I think it was not the wisest approach followed by the Delhi Government. You may think I am biased but consider looking from the society’s perspective. In the long run, the people will buy multiple vehicle, and RTO will definitely get into corruption for allotting odd or even numbers to car owners. This will ultimately lead to increased congestion on roads and directly benefit car companies. Ya Somewhere; Delhi Government inj


Hi All, I am Divya - a born writer, though I am a digital marketer with an experience of 9+ years in varied industries like Print & Publishing, Logistics, Travel & Tourism, Online Gaming, etc.  In this blog, I will talk about the most-hyped issues that take place in our country, and express my opinions about the latest developments taking place in our economy, and how these transformations are affecting our daily lives. I don't aim to hurt the sentiments of any human beings by means of this blog. If you have some more spare time, do visit my other blogs: