Here is an urge for all the motivated people to motivate your next colleague, your next neighbour and your next friend to accept challenge with gut for it alone can bring a change - a change towards refinement of our intellect and the fulfillment of our goal. A challenge is a difficulty that carries within it a scope for progress. It gives us an opportunity. Once a challenge is overcome, we go upto a higher level than before. Life offers opportunities to accelerate and excel in life by welcoming challenges for a change. Great works of art, wonderful inventions of science and adventurous discoveries in geography have taken place simple because of the courage to accept the challenge. Challenge knocks at the door, "Embrace me , I will change your life." Challenge has immense potential to do something great and grand. The pages of history are replete with reverberations of the potential of challenge. But how we remember and what we remember, what we learn and h...